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Dalmatia Original Fig Spread

As we all know, the best way to save money and avoid unhealthy food during the workday is to bring your own lunch to work. For those that like to cook, preparing lunch is probably easy and enjoyable; however, if you don’t like to cook or find that despite your good intentions, you can’t seem to make it work, you too can bring a good tasty lunch to work. While it might not be as impressive as the Iron Chef lunches your colleague always brings, your lunch can still be tasty and exciting. How, you ask? By using interesting spreads, I exclaim!

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Garden of Eatin’ Pico de Gallo Tortilla Chips

Before seventh grade, I thought tortilla chips were a pointless snack.  As a child with a mother who sincerely believed Fig Newtons were a yummy treat, I decided to take snacking into my own hands. All of my snacks needed to be full of flavor and the saltiness of tortilla chips did not count. The only exception were Cool Ranch Doritos because they were flavored and had green and red flecks of  “seasoning” on them.  Works of art, to be honest.

Trying Tostitos Tortilla Chips with a Hint of Lime at my first Peer Listeners meeting changed all of that. The chips blew my mind.  They were still salty, but the lime flavoring surpassed my wildest expectations. Plus, the chips were sprinkled with green flecks of flavor which is obviously a telltale sign of tastiness. My eleven-year-old palate was in heaven!

Fast forward to today and I am still a huge fan of flavored tortilla chips. I love the thickness of tortilla chips, I love the crunch, and I love that there are so many interesting flavor combinations to try! So when I went to the natural food market and saw Garden of Eatin’ Pico de Gallo Tortilla Chips, I figured I had to give them a shot.

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