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Skinny Pop Popcorn

Well, the past few days have certainly been a whirlwind in terms of celebrity news. I guess there’s been a lot going on in real news too, with the republican debates and all, but who had time to pay any attention to that! I mean, Beyonce’s BABY WAS BORN yesterday. I bet that even Mitt Romney himself was flipping back and forth from Fox News to E! all weekend, just to make sure he knew what the baby was named (reports have been unclear, but I believe it’s been confirmed that the baby girl is named Blue Ivy Carter). As if I wasn’t busy enough reading every single word ever written on the birth of this superstar baby, today is Kate Middleton’s 30th birthday.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KATE!!! I simply do not know if there are enough hours in the day for me to scour the web for a minute-by-minute update on Kate’s birthday plans while simultaneously checking for new updates on baby Blue.

Princess Kate

It’s barely 11am and I’m already feeling a bit overwhelmed about the amount of amount of “news” I’m going to consume today, and needless to say, I see some seriously stress-snacking in my immediate future. On a day as special as this one, my snack of choice must be fit for royalty (both the real kind of royalty, like Kate, and the Hollywood kind, like Blue and her superstar parents). And that is why I’m sitting here with some SkinnyPop Popcorn, one hand typing, the other reaching deep into a bag of this guilt-free, 39-calories per cup popcorn.

Princess Blue

I promise you, SkinnyPop tastes exactly like any full-calorie popcorn, and you can even taste a light hint of butter. It’s a perfect snack for mindless eating (which I will be doing all day, as I am physically unable to concentrate on anything other than the internet), and since this popcorn is so low in calories, I don’t have to worry about gaining an ounce! I’m gonna be eating a lot of popcorn today….


The princess of all popcorn